Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sweet Dolly

Scarlett sweet Scarlett....

I know your my second girl and sometimes you wear hand me downs and you will have the older barbies to play with, I know Eva will always boss you around and you will wonder why in the world you have red hair and everyone else has brown. I know.
I want you to know that your amazing, and special and so unique. The you brought a new joy and light into my heart when you arrived one day late. You were so content and so perfect from the first moments. I love your huge eyes and your chubby um... well chubby everything. You love to eat and to giggle and to be held.
I know you will feel perfect in your role as baby sister. Your adored by your brothers and sister. Your spirit is so sweet and tender. I love you sweet girl. Your amazing. Your perfect and your just you.

Scarlett, mommy was so glad when I saw your tiny hands telling me you were here and were going to be a part of this family forever. Your full of hope and I love you for that.

Love mommy


PRP said...

So sweet.

tharker said...

This is such a sweet letter to your babe. She sounds like an angel of a baby. But I do have one, please?