Monday, February 1, 2010

Tell me your story....

I love to hear peoples stories, I love the connection I feel as they share their story. Where did you come from, where did you go, who did you love, how did you find you, where do you want to go and where will you be? I am always amazed when people tell me their story and I find a similar thread that links me to them. So I will tell you my story and you tell me yours.....

I came from a home. Loud and happy and crazy and never the same and always the same. I lost my father when I was a teen. I grew up quickly and clung to stability.

I went from water to sand.

I love fiercely and fall quickly. I love John more each day and discover that he and I were divinely directed to share this life. My children are what I give to this world. They encompass everything good and pure and angelic. I love things that are clean and honest.

I find me when I write when I feel safe and when I am teaching what I know and doing what I love. I found me when I lost what I thought I should be and became what I knew I wanted to be. I am liberal and free and "crunchy".

I want to go somewhere new but come home quickly. I want to go and see what life feels like outside of this land. I want to go and watch my children become all that I see them as. I want to go where John and I can sit and talk and be still. I want to go and be old and be wise and happy.

I will get there by study and by strength of body and mind. I will get where I am going by changing and listening and being still.


Amy said...

Alright, first things first, I always read your blog, and never comment but I'm trying to be better and letting people know that I enjoy their posts! Secondly, you're positive outlook, your 'serenity', always amazes me. I am so opposite that and I need to read your blog more often in the middle of the day to remind myself of that attribute! I'm going to put this on my list of upcoming blog post topics. Rachael and I actually created a schedule with topics to keep ourselves on track with journaling/blogging!

I love the way you write!

::lindsay said...

I loved this Sara! It's great to hear your "story" and I agree, you are a great writer.

Thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to do this too.

PRP said...

I've been thinking of this ever since I saw it yesterday...what a wonderful idea.

You wrote your story beautifully. I'm inspired to do mine as well. Thanks!

Amy said...

I loved this.

You are such an amazing person.